ThemeScore Instructions

Get in touch with your talents...
The ThemeScore sheets are designed to help you get in touch with the talents which make up your Top 5 Signature Themes. The power of StrengthsFinder is not in gaining new labels or words by which to define yourself (or others) is in understanding your talents and making an effort to invest in them.
Each ThemeScore Sheet contains 14 sentences that relate to the theme. They represent the underlying talents of the themes. The goal of these sheets is to help you spend a moment reflecting on your talents and engage with the 'unpolished diamonds' which lay within you.
If you've taken StrengthsFinder in the past and would like to receive a ThemeScore packet, please contact me.
Themescore instructions
If you've already received your ThemesScore packet here are the instructions for completing the sheets:
1. Read each row and rank each statement from 1-5 (5 being if you resonate with it deeply, 1 being if you don’t connect with the statement).
2. Add up the scores you gave each and put the total number on the line at the bottom of the page.
3. Put your five themes in a new order according to how you've scored them.•
• If I've requested to see your worksheets before a meeting, please scan them or take a photo of them and send them to me.
• If I've not requested to see them, please bring them to our next meeting.
Haven't taken Strengthsfinder?
How are we even friends?!?
Seriously though, I recommend using this tool to discover what is best about you and how you engage with the world. The assessment is less than 20 bucks (if you buy the book) and takes about 45 minutes to take (warning: it will give you a lifetime of work though!)
Tell me about your business
Please use the form below to tell me about your business and current marketing efforts. This will help us figure out if we're a good fit for each other.